Almost 31

In less than two weeks I’ll be turning 31 and life still has been handing me lessons. I’ve been thinking a lot about the journey of aging and that no matter what you will experience ebs and flows. Intense highs and the lows of lows. The timelines and pressure society puts on young people to have it altogether by a certain age, especially for women is a myth.


Let’s rewind. Year 30 was a season of joy and excitement. I was in a healthy romantic relationship, my family was good, I was in a job that was going smoothly, and I had an amazing network of friends. Life was sweet.

Haha! fast forward to a month after my 30th birthday the job that was “smooth” ended terribly. I now was in a mix of emotions, rejection, loss of confidence, and stuck at a crossroads about what I wanted to do next for a career. If you’ve read my earlier blog posts then you would know that I have been laid off before. This type of rejection was a familiar wound reopened. Here we go again I thought. Despite that low moment God provided me means to an end like he always does and I quietly transitioned into a job that I truly enjoy. One that I can excel in naturally, in an environment familiar to me.

After that hiccup things were cute for me and I was getting into my rhythm & then boom…. Remember that healthy relationship I mentioned well that ended too. While it didn’t end terribly I was once again grieving and processing. Now I bet you’re expecting me to say that God sent me my person right after that like he did my job but nope not yet, still navigating the dating world until that time comes. Whew chile is all I’m going to say!

You know that saying you “If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans”. One of the biggest lessons I had to learn is being okay if it happens and being okay if it doesn’t. The “it” can be applied to many situations but I am constantly trying to keep my trust and faith in God.

Although I touched on some of the lows the highs were far greater over this past year. I may not know what’s next but I know what is meant for me will not pass me by. When the storms arise don’t fight against the waves simply ride them. I wasn’t excited about my birthday and I love birthdays but now I am. I am hopeful and excited for what is in store for this year. “Show me how good it can get God”!

SN: I’m surprised I’m sharing this with the internet because lately I’ve been in a weird space with posting on social media. I find myself not sharing as much. Idk why sometimes it gives me the ick but I’m trying to get back to posting consistently like I once did

Thank you for reading!

