"72 Hours" in Bermuda



First off friends it’s been two weeks since my last post and at first I was freaking out about it. I was like ahhh I can’t take a break no way but the reality is a mental break was needed and I had the best time ever enjoying the company of friends and unplugging a bit.

On to today’s topic Bermuda!!!

 Remember when I mentioned on Instagram that I was on Ice from traveling abroad this year then boom I ended up in Bermuda!

Why Bermuda?

I have always heard of Bermuda to be a beautiful island but one that is super expensive so it has never been on my list as a priority to visit. One of my closest friends would go there every year in high school during the summer and always raved about her time there and the fun she had with family.

Fast forward to 9 years later my friend and I were chatting on the phone and she mentioned that she would be going back to Bermuda this summer and extended the invite to me. Ummm yes, sign me up boo! OK OK at first I was hesitant because it was literally 3 weeks before the trip, very last minute, time off work and blah blah blah…. excuses!

In the end I booked the flight #catchflightsnotfeelings and was in for an amazing treat. Keep reading for some Bermuda moments and what I did while there. I have also been working on a recap vlog so stay tuned for that in the near future.

Day 1 ish:

EVENING: The plane touched down about 4:30 pm and I walked off the plane to a cloudy but warm Bermuda. My first encounter was super pleasant as I breezed through customs to meet up with Kali and a family friend who would take us to her aunts house where we were staying.

We zipped through rush hour traffic and I was in awe of the cotton candy colored buildings, posh yards and the prettiest waters I’ve ever seen.

NIGHTTIME:  We changed clothes, relaxed for a little bit and then headed out for some fun. It was Monday so we went to the Dockyard. I believe each Monday there’s food, local vendors, entertainment and more. I had the best fish and chips while out there and enjoyed looking at jewelry from the local vendors. After that we were to meet up with Kali’s cousins for a quick catch up and grabbed drink at the Bone Fish Far and Grille before going over to Snorkel Park (The Monday party/nightlife). Y’all it was lit!

Taytip: Make sure you order the Rum swizzle and there was a $10 cover for Snorkel Park.

Day 1: (first full day)

Up and at em early!

 DAYTIME: Beach and boat day. We got up early and after an amazing breakfast by Aunt Meredith and catching up from the night prior. We started to discuss boat plans. After making a few phone calls Aunt Meredith secured us a boat yay! We had a day of sailing around the island and anchoring off to swim and play.

We stopped by and saw one of the sunken ships (Bermuda is known as the shipwreck capital of the Atlantic), visited the abandoned 9 beaches resort. Went under the Somerset Bridge, and explored parts of the Atlantic. After that we changed and headed over to Horseshoe Bay beach.

Horseshoe Bay beach is one of the most instagrammable beaches in the world. With pink sand and calm waves we got there about 3pm and it wasn’t too crowded. We napped and swam a bit then headed over to her families house to swim and chill before night moves.

Taytip: Beach umbrellas and chairs are 50% off after 3pm at Horseshoe Bay

NIGHTTIME: We were in for a treat as Kali has a lot of cousins our age. They planned a bonfire on the beach to catch up and hang out so we headed back over to Horseshoe Bay at 8pm to play games, snacks..etc. and to vibe out on the beach. It was so magical to hear the ocean waves in the pitch black sky. We had a blast and I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time. Definitely a night to remember. I think we left the beach at like 3am haha!

Day 2:

 DAYTIME: This day we would hit the town. We caught the bus into the city and grabbed lunch at Pickled Onion. It was in the heart of Hamilton on Front street and very cute. I didn’t enjoy my food but enjoyed the vibe of the restaurant. After that we ventured over to Birdcage Bermuda a new instagram worthy rooftop lounge right on Front street. With gorgeous views.

After that we ventured through CIty Hall to peak at the free art exhibits and headed to Swizzle Inn and the Crystal Caves. The crystal caves blew my mind away. The story of how the boys founded the cave is amazing you should read up on it when you have a chance.

From the caves we ventured to the villages to peek at the Unfinished church. The church was massive and the architecture was beautiful. Next up was St. George’s (y’all I did the most with the time I had). We walked around the town and took pictures and popped into shops.

EVENING/NIGHTTIME: It is summer time so Harbor Nights is an outdoor block party every Wednesday until 9/4. Imagine rows of vendors, music, games, and more. Many people fill Front street of Hamilton to feast on sweets and treats. I was fortunate enough to see a performance by the Gombey dancers. The Gombey dancers are a traditional masquerade style of performing that is unique to Bermuda. They wowed the crowd in traditional costume and bouncy movements.

Lastly was dinner with Kali’s family we were pooped after two non stop days.

  Day “3”:

 DAYTIME: We had the morning to enjoy before our flight left in the afternoon. We slept in, got up for a morning jog/walk and had breakfast with Aunt Meredith. It was a sweet ending to our trip. On the way to the airport we stopped by Clear water beach for a final goodbye.

All in all this trip was so much fun. It wasn’t quite 72 hours but It felt much longer. I was blown away by the beauty of Bermuda. I am so grateful and appreciative of Kali and her family for the hospitality, the warm welcome and taking care of me while there. They are now my extended family haha! Bermuda will always have a special place in my heart. I definitely will be going back next year for Cup-match too!

Let me know is Bermuda is on your radar?

 Quick notes/tips:

Lodging: I stayed with Kali’s family. Lodging can be pretty pricey but there are nice air bnb’s you can rent.

Transportation: We were grateful to have rides most places but taxis will cost you about $15-$25 dollars depending on where you’re headed but the island is small so I’d recommend using the bus. The buses are easy to navigate and we took it a few times.

Food: Fresh sea food. Wahoo fish, fish cakes, and rum swizzle for the drink.

 Other things: They accept the US $ it is 1-1 with us so that is good. You can use your CC just about everywhere but I’d take out cash to start off to keep you on budget.

Weather: Average daily temps in August were in the 80’s and up. It did rain in the afternoon just about everyday but it doesn’t last long.

Flight: This flight was a breeze literally 2 hours long from Newark, NJ. Oh and they are one hour ahead of EST.

Bye for now!

