So you want to take a solo trip to the Bay Area. The flight and dates are booked but now what? If you’ve been keeping up with me then you’d know that I just came back from my first solo trip to the Bay Area you can read about it here in pt.1.
Today I will be going through how I planned my trip if you should decide to plan your own. I’ll be breaking it down in two parts the pre trip and during trip.
Golden Gate Bridge
Pre trip:
Questions to consider...
-What is the purpose of this trip?
-What type of experience(s) do I want?
Ask your network
This may be obvious but do you know anybody who lives there? A good point person is great because they can recommend the best neighborhoods to stay in and what to steer clear from. I was grateful to have friends I could call on when planning my trip details.
The internet
When you google search San Francisco and the Bay Area you may run across pages of trip advisor ads and travel booking sites. This could be an overwhelming start. After reading a bit about the major sights to see and the history of the area go straight to Pinterest for some inspo.
I typically type in exactly what I am looking for and a ton of articles and blogs pop up. I would search “solo trip to San Francisco”, “Weekend in the Bay Area”, “Girls trip to San Francisco”, “Things to do in San Francisco”. Etc…
Social Media
I briefly mentioned Pinterest but did you know on Facebook there are a ton of travel group forums that exist?One I am apart of is Back Travel Movement.
I click search and type in Bay Area, San Francisco, and other key words. All the posts from the travel group members pop up. It’s filled with reviews, images, sample itineraries, and recommendations. This is a great way to get further insight. I also find that these pages list hidden gems or spots that aren’t so touristy which I appreciate.
There is also Instagram hashtags. Yup, I am a hashtag search junky and I create saved galleries. I type in #sanfranciscotrip #bayareatravel #blackinsf (yes it’s a thing), and any other variation around Oakland and San Francisco. If I see anything cool I save it to a folder on Instagram so I can easily reference it.
PSA: As always take any recommendation with a grain of salt. You will create your own experiences but it does help to have a start. (I like to be spontaneous on trips but always keep a general idea of things I want to do. Go with the flow, but with purpose).
I always choose to stay somewhere centrally located to the downtown area if traveling to a city. Since traveling solo I wanted to stay in areas that were walkable with cafes & shops around. The cost of solo travel can be pricier than group trips since you can’t split costs so I had to keep that in mind.
I decided on an Air BnB in the perfect location in the neighborhood of Portola. (I stayed in 2 Air BnBs. One in San Francisco, and one in Oakland).
Taytip: Keep in mind check in times. Are you landing at 8am and check in is at 3pm? Always ask for early check in or if there is an option to store luggage.
Unless you plan on doing a cross state trek no need to rent a car. Parking is a pain plus if you’re in San Francisco those hills will give you anxiety. If you are caught up from pt. 1 of my trip you’d know I did rent a car for one day to drive to Napa, California which was worth it. since it was an hour and a half drive.
Palace of fine arts
During your trip
(I wanted to list out things I’ve seen to do so you can see for yourself what you are interested in)
Explore: (I always check Eventbrite for events and festivals/shows/etc..)
“Touristy flow” Day 1:
Painted ladies/Hop on Hop off buses
Museum & City stroll
Fishermans Wharf for dinner
Day 2:
Golden Gate Bridge
Palace of Fine Arts Theatre
China town
Day 3:
Alacatraz tour
The 16th ave tiled steps
By then you’ve met new friends and it’s Friday night. You take the Ferry over to Oakland for a fun night out.
Day 4:
Brunch with new friends or a new bae
Thrift store shopping before your red-eye
I hope you all found this post helpful. If you have any specific questions please reach out and comment. My sample “itinerary” leaves a lot of room for interpretation. There are so many more things to do that are not touristy but I have found in traveling that you will meet locals along the way that will have the best recommendations.
BEFORE WE GO Safety Tips:
Don’t post in real time to social media. Wait until you leave a location. People are creepy.
Be very cautious of the information you reveal to strangers.
Trust your gut instinct always.
If you decide to consume alcohol, wine…etc. Be extremely careful. Watch your cup and of limit yourself to 1 or don’t drink at all.
Don’t wander around late at night in random neighborhoods. You don’t know the area.
If something’s feels off or if someone is asking too many questions mention you’re waiting on friends to join you. Remember trust your gut
Spread out your money.
Take photos of your ID and Passport and email them to yourself just in case.
When using ride-sharing apps please double check the car, make sure they know your name and lowkey peep to make sure the child lock isn’t.
Share your location with a trusted person.
Let your emergency contact know the addres of where you’re staying
Be open. Be safe. Have fun
xOxO- Taylor