Time moves fast!

thank yo u

This week I just wanted to simply say thank you to each and every one of you for rocking with me thus far. This August makes 6 months on this blog journey consistently and I could not be more happier of how things are going.  For all  the  comments, the  re-shares, the words of  encouragement, I simply want  to say thank you. I checked in at one month you can read about it here but below I am sharing what I know at 6 months.

What I have know thus far…

  1. Have fun and stay true to yourself

  2. Don’t compare yourself, your journey, your “accomplishments” or lack there of to others.

  3. What is for you will be for you.

  4. Do the work. Do the work. Do the work.

  5. Find your blog tribe, it can be internet friends or those you meet in real life

  6. Attend events of interest to connect with like-minded people in your niche and even outside of your niche

  7. Networking across is essential (let’s build together)

  8. Be a student of the industry that you are in—after all most of us are self proclaimed experts. So study all that you can!

  9. Show genuine love and compliment other content creators often

  10. Engagement is a two way street.

  11. Don’t over think things and have fun

  12. Create templates as a base for your blog posts so you aren’t starting from scratch each time. No need to reinvent the wheel if you don’t have to

  13. Be kind

  14. Check your ego and celebrate with others

  15. Do connect and put people on when you can

  16. Before you ask one with a website a question about something check google, read their post, blog, or caption to it’s entirety (the answer is probably there)

  17. Pinterest is a huge traffic driver

  18. Canva saves lives

  19. Research your hashtags

  20. Be mindful of feed aesthetic but keep things fun and a balance of real time and scheduled content

  21. Don’t take yourself too seriously

  22. Build it and it will come

  23. Utilize all the free resources out there on google

  24. Youtube university is real (learn how to do what you want to be taught)

  25. Schedule maintenance days to update old links, and to just ensure your site is running properly

  26. If you were inspired by someone or something shout that person out and don’t be a copy cat

  27. It is okay to take a break when you need it

  28. Don’t focus on the likes and obsess over followers (who is for you is for you)

I could go on and on but I sincerely am filled with gratitude and I do not take your support lightly it simply warms my heart. So here is to August, 6 months of blogging, and to my birthday month!

More to come!