Reality Check

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Get it together!

I have a confession to make. This morning April 4th is the second time I’ve worked out this year at the gym. I’m sure you’re like wait... for real Taylor it’s April. If you’ve been following me for awhile on Instagram you should know that staying in shape is something I take pride in. I enjoy working out to stay healthy. As you read along I will dig a littler deeper as to why I’ve been out of my fitness flow. By the end of this post I hope to encourage you to get back into your workout routine whatever that is. 

But why?

Last year I completed my 3rd round of Whole30 in October. I was in bomb shape and that led me into the holidays in a good place. I overall eat pretty clean(I’ve been whyling out lately though); and because of how I eat I’ve been able to maintain my size/weight. #blessings

Just because I have kept my size doesn’t mean I’m in shape. My energy levels are off, I can genuinely tell I miss the act of high intensity workouts and my body can too. I’m more sluggish than normal and I know it’s a direct correlation to not having a set fitness routine. Taking care of your body is more than eating clean your body also needs physical activity to flourish at its full potential.

Summer bodies are made in the winter…

Yeah that went right out the window. As the year started I was just chilling. My 4:40am
alarm would go off and I just hit snooze missing my 5am workouts. One thing I have learned about myself is that I’m either on or off when it comes to certain things meaning I’m either in the gym 5 days a week or not at all. Now that I know this about myself I have to actively fight to stay “balanced.” I have to find my new normal. With the launch of my site my schedule looks a lot different than it used to, I may have an event after work which means out later than normal. I may also spend my nights working or up late researching. All of these are excuses I’ve made as to why I’ll skip a workout but it’s just me being flat out lazy.

Now What?

I’m sharing this with you all to add to my accountability.  Although I know how to train myself for desired results; I scheduled a consultation with a trainer next week, and today as this post drops I made it to the gym at 5am and I feel amazing. I will get at least 3 workouts in a week and I will set a goal for myself aesthetically because I know if I have something to work towards I am more motivated to do so.


If you can relate with being caught by the lazy train understand that I see you. The key thing is when you realize you need to make a change you actually take action towards doing so. Comment below and let me know your fitness goals?

XoXo- Taylor