5 Ways to level up in Q4

Is it just me or did the end of the year just creep up on us? I mean here we are in October of the last year in this decade. I attended a vision board party this past weekend and it really left me feeling recharged but also kind of shocked at the realization that 2020 is almost here.

The end of the year is always a pivotal time in our society. Businesses finalize their next year budgets and planning starts way for Q1 and beyond. If you work in retail like I do Q4 is the busiest, most profitable, but also the most stressful time of year. I work in pricing so you can only imagine!

Today I’m sharing 5 ways I plan on leveling up in Q4 and ways you can level up also.

  1. Learn something new. I’m big on learning as it never stops. I’m constantly consuming podcasts, reading, on YouTube university, and more. But did you know that there are a number of free & paid courses you can take to learn new skills or brush up on old ones. Sites like Coursera, Udemy, Skillshare, Lynda etc... all exist and have an array of topics and courses segmented by interest.                 

  2. Evaluate your finances. With holidays coming and a lot of social events happening this is the perfect time to evaluate your bank account and make adjustments where needed. Say no and often.

  3. Create a routine and stick to it. This sounds like a no brainer but creating a solid routine will help with discipline now and leading up before the new year new me starts.

    For me this looks like sticking to my 5am gym sessions atleast 3-4X a week. Also continuing to prep my meals to save time and money at home.

  4. Give back & Often. It’s at the end of the year where many seek to volunteer whether it be soup kitchens or clothing drives. I love that so many people are inspired to give back during this time of year but want to challenge more people to do so now but continuing to do so year  around(not saying some. people don’t do so already).                                   

    Giving back doesn’t always have to be your time it can be by using your resources, knowledge, and by even using your social platforms to share insight if you have a special skill set.

  5. Spend 30 minutes to an hour a day on you. This aligns with creating a routine but understand you are so important. You may be a working mom with a family or a college student in back to back classes. Taking at least 30 minutes a day for you is key. I say get some physical exercise in, I like to read my Bible. You can even work on a personal project. I always feel accomplished when I take unblocked time out for me.                                       

See you soon 2020 but until then let’s set the tone in Q4. What ways do you plan on leveling up? Let me know below.

