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The Beauty of Waiting Well

Oh hey y’all! I haven’t written since November let’s chat. Today’s blog post is all about waiting well. My aim is to provide some encouragement and a few tips for anyone who may be in a current valley in their life.

One thing about life is it will…LIFE. There are many occasions where you get thrown curve balls. Your loved one gets sick, your employment status changes, you lose a friend, anything can happen and it usually will do so unexpectedly.

In my current season, I’ve had to learn how to wait well. This means being content with where things are in my life currently, while I wait for what I want. This means allowing my prayers to be of gratitude while working towards my goals. This means keeping my spirits high and not comparing myself to others. This means facing rejection gracefully. This also means learning to just sit still and understand the lesson(s) that God is trying to teach me. All of this is easier said than done.

I love this Joyce Meyer quote that says “Patience is not simply the ability to wait-it’s how we behave when we are waiting”. If you are struggling with waiting well please know it is ok to have moments when you feel like all hope is lost. As humans we are allowed to feel and we will go through a range of emotions at various times.

The great thing is that we don’t have to subscribe to our low moments. Below are a few solutions to help you navigate the waiting season.

  • Give gratitude- Praying and journaling what you are thankful for, writing out any thoughts and ideas

  • Your tribe- Surrounding yourself with positive people who may speak life into you when you need it most

  • Minimize distractions- I noticed that I was spending a crazy amount of time on social media so I created better habits and time limits around that. This also helped me focus on myself and to minimize the pressure to keep up with the Joneses

  • Faith led- I dig deep into my bible, reading daily devotionals and having personal pray warriors that help lift my name in prayer

  • Asking for help- Admitting that you are struggling and not putting on a tough front all the time. This can be seeking professional help or simply expressing your feelings to those you trust

  • Productivity- Staying productive will leave little room for you to wallow in your feels. Can you volunteer, read, work on a hobby, go to the gym?

The above are things that have helped me. I want to say to anyone going through a tough season, please understand this to shall pass. Continue to keep pushing and do all that you can to wait well. You got this and I am rooting for you. If you can relate to learning how to wait well please drop a comment and let me know what has worked for you?

1 Peter 5:7

Sending you all the love!
