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5 years later

**Picture quality isn’t the best as these were taken years ago haha!

It was the morning of May 24th. I was up very early laying in bed with excitement. I was about to be a college graduate. I had already accepted a position post grad in my field, and a week after my commencement ceremony I would move to Green Bay, Wisconsin. I know Wisconsinnnnnn???? *Soulja boy voice. This foreign place which I only visited once for my interview would soon be my new home.

Today I am sharing a few thoughts and lessons I have learned since I have been out of college and navigating adulthood. Thinking back on my journey, there were many uncertain and difficult decisions that I had to make. No matter how much my parents taught me or shared with me on how to navigate life adulting hits. Keep reading and let me know if you relate in the comments?

  1. Spend wisely:

    I’d be the first to say that I made some “bad” money decisions within my first year of being an adult post grad and the biggest one was buying a couch. I wanted this couch so bad it was a charcoal grey and just the most comfortable thing I had ever sat on and I purchased it on a whim. See the bad decision came because I moved within a year of living in Wisconsin and I had to sell my couch so I had to let it go for much cheaper then what I paid for. Looking back I should have just started out with a cheaper Ikea couch until I knew where exactly I wanted to be.

  2. Relationships will change:

    That post college relationship with friends and romantic partners hits so different. Everyone has a new normal whether it be starting a new job, or moving back at home. Moving allowed me to see who is really there for me in my life versus those who were temporary. When you aren’t in someones day to day space the calls and check ins space out more. This is totally natural and will happen and it is not all a bad thing just the circle of life. Pour into those who pour into you and give people grace as everyone is trying to figure things out.

  3. Don’t get complacent:

    I learned quick that life in Wisconsin wasn’t for me. Instead of wallowing in what I did not like about the state and my job I reached out to networks, and aggressively applied everywhere. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and I knew I was meant for me to take a detour out west. God has been truly good to me and the same companies that denied me reached out to me for opportunities years later. It is easy to get into a comfortable space and push through even when you are feeling down.

  4. Your style will evolve:

    I look back at what I wore when I was a bright eyed new adult and cringe. I was all over the place when it came to style. I would impulse shop and do the absolute most with outfits. Now I am extremely confident and I wear what I love. My pieces have thought behind them and while I still get the deals I am much more aware of how to get the most out of what I wear for multiple occasions.

    Thanks for reading I just wanted to pop in and share my thoughts as I enter year 5 post grad. Have an amazing Memorial day weekend.